Setups within Student Centers venues are completed by Student Centers staff.
Due to regulations in safety and liability, clients are prohibited from completing their own setups within the facility. Clients are able to access the reserved event space once the setup has been completed.
Space setup configurations may differ between Student Centers spaces. Student Centers event staff reserves the right to relocate your preferred request according to space availability and/or appropriateness. Some fees may apply based on space, services, or equipment associated with the event.
Tables and chairs can be provided by Student Centers staff.
Specific needs for equipment may have fees associated with rental from Georgetown University Special Events or a non-University entity.
Easels and flip charts can be provided upon request (charges may apply). Please refer to the Student Centers Event Resource price list.
Taping of notices or signs to walls or the doors within the interior of the building or leading from the exterior of the building are prohibited. Users will be responsible for any damages to walls/doors if tape is used.
Student Centers event staff can provide basic audio-visual needs for all spaces. Equipment and Technician fees may apply.
All outside, non-University audio visual equipment must receive approval from Student Centers Management at least 30 days before use during an event.
No outside audio-visual equipment can be plugged into any of Georgetown University’s equipment without proper authorization from Student Centers Management.